DIN i.e Director identification number is a unique number given to all existing Directors and to the persons who want to become a Director in existing and new Company / LLP. After amendment of Companies Act, 2013, obtaining of prior DIN is mandatory for becoming a Director in any Company/LLP.
DIN is an individual specific and not Company specific. It will not change as per the Company. If a person is a Director in 10 or 15 Companies /LLP, then also only one DIN is to be used. Due to this it will become more easy to locate a particular Director.
If any one obtains multiple Dins, then he has to retain one DIN only and have to surrender other DINs. If a person gets retired or gave resignation from the post of a Director from all Companies, then also his /her DIN remains as it is because it is not related to particular Company.
As per the recent amendments, no separate application is required for DIN at the time of new incorporation of the Company. The information relating to new Directors is to be given in the incorporation form itself. After incorporation of the Company, DIN gets automatically generated. But if a person want to become a Director in already existing Company, then he has to make separate application for DIN for which his/her digital signature is required along with the digital signature of any one Director of existing Company .
Every year each Director should make his /her KYC for confirming that the DIN details are same as per MCA site there is no change in his email id and mobile number. If there is any change in the identity of the Din holder or if there is any change in the address , mobile number, email id, citizenship etc. then Director should inform such change to Ministry of Corporate Affairs by separate application.
Every person or Company while furnishing any return, information or particulars as required under Companies Act, 2013, shall mention the DIN while signing in the capacity as a Director After the death of a person, DIN can be surrendered to Ministry.
There are separate requirements for making application of DIN for Indian national and Foreign national. We have given separate list of requirement for both identities for making application of DIN.